The Cyber Threat Alliance just celebrated its fifth birthday, and President and CEO J. Michael Daniel says the membership and information sharing both are growing at an impressive pace. He discusses the surge in ransomware and how organizations should respond.
In the latest weekly update, four ISMG editors discuss important cybersecurity issues, including the trending topics at this year's RSA Conference, how security researchers are tracking a zero-day vulnerability in Microsoft Office and what Broadcom's acquisition of VMware means for security.
With the RSA Conference virtual this year, ISMG replaced its two live on-site studios with a suite of home studios and produced a diverse group of interviews on timely topics with thought leaders who will be solving cybersecurity's most urgent problems.
SolarWinds has uncovered evidence that intruders were in its systems in January 2019, about eight months earlier than originally believed. CEO Sudhakar Ramakrishna says the company discovered the clues by analyzing terabytes of data from its virtual build systems.
In the wake of recent attacks on supply chains and critical infrastructure, Adrian Mayers says it's time for cybersecurity to be seen as an issue of national defense, and that cybersecurity leaders throughout the private and public sectors must embrace their role to protect national interests.
Troels Oerting, a veteran CISO who most recently served the World Economic Forum, has a storied career. He's been there, done that and mitigated the risk. In this exclusive conversation, he shares his opinions on today's threats, emerging technologies and challenges for the next generation of security leaders.
What do the world's leading encryption and security experts think about non-fungible tokens, supply chain attacks, coordinated vulnerability disclosure and the state of quantum computing? The cryptographers' panel at RSA Conference 2021 addressed all these issues.
As CISO of Johnson & Johnson, Marene Allison was used to gauging her security posture by the top threat activity: nation-state, cybercrime, insider or hacktivist. But in 2020, they all struck at once. Here is one CISO's take on the state of the industry.
The past year has been a milestone one for RSA and for RSA Conference alike. In this exclusive interview, RSA Group CEO Rohit Ghai discusses the changes, the state of secure identity and the role XDR will play in shaping cybersecurity's future.
Welcome to RSA Conference 2021. By virtue of being virtual, we've brought our entire global team to bear on gathering the very latest cybersecurity trends, technologies and takeaways from our industry's leading thinkers via ISMG's largest and most diverse set of video interviews to date.
At RSA Conference 2020 in San Francisco, Information Security Media Group's editorial team conducted more than 130 video interviews with industry thought leaders. Here are the highlights.
The RSA cybersecurity conference once again this year gathered tens of thousands of individuals to network and attend keynotes and briefings on topics ranging from election security and genomics to privacy and cybercrime. Here are 20 visual highlights from this year's event.
Harvard Kennedy School Professor Juliette Kayyem - well known as a CNN cybersecurity analyst - spoke at RSA 2020 and visited ISMG's studios to share insights on nation-state threats and election security.
RSA 2020 touched on a number of topics, including the security of elections and supply chains, plus AI, zero trust and frameworks, among many others. But from sessions on cryptography, to this year's lower attendance, to the antibacterial dispensers dotted around venues, concerns over COVID-19 also dominated.
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