Just over a month after Citigroup confirmed a breach of its online banking platform, a second breach affecting Citi customers has come to light, this time in Japan.
Ian Harper of Pentagon Federal Credit Union says financial institutions should continually review their risk management processes, a recommendation reinforced by the new FFIEC Authentication Guidance.
Yahoo's Justin Somaini believes his fellow CISOs in business and government do a good job keeping their bosses informed of proper information security practices, but could do better in educating the rank and file about them.
When economists dissected July's 0.1 point drop in overall unemployment, to 9.1 percent, they attributed the decline mostly to fewer people seeking work. But that's not the case for IT security professionals. There are few discouraged workers in the information technology occupation categories these days.
The HHS Office for Civil Rights should carefully consider comments received on its proposal to require healthcare organizations to provide patients with a complete list of everyone who has electronically viewed their information.
Looking at the international stock market crash and the impact it's likely to have on future investments in fraud detection and prevention, how much can banks and credit unions reasonably afford, when economic stability is shaky and the financial future uncertain?
What Operation Shady RAT reminds us is not just how vulnerable our IT systems are, but how interconnected we are as a global society, and the fundamental role information technology plays.
"The timing and the targets point to China," says cybersecurity policy expert James Lewis. "Spying right before the Beijing Olympics and focusing on Southeast Asia reflects China's larger interests more than those of any other country."
Organizations taking proper preventative measures realize a cost savings of nearly 25 percent over those that don't, an analysis of a survey sponsored by Hewlett-Packard reveals. Still, the study shows, it takes longer to resolve cyberattacks than it did a year ago.
"It's time to stop shifting the security burden onto retailers and restaurants like Margarita's," says Gartner analyst Avivah Litan on the latest payment card breach. "In fact, it was time for that over five years ago."
Extensive news coverage about the attacks against RSA and others have made customers jittery. "The publicity resulted in many customers' risk tolerance going down whilst their level of awareness and concern went up," says RSA CFO David Goulden.
"The lack of individual accountability over user accounts provides ample opportunities to conceal malicious activity such as theft or misuse of veteran data," VA Assistant Inspector General Belinda Finn says.
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