Facebook has taken several moves aimed at minimizing misuse of social media during the 2019 elections in India. But are the actions merely a marketing maneuver, or could they have a real impact?
Despite the buzz about digital transformation, most enterprises remain overwhelmed by having to support and secure legacy technologies, says Mark Loveless of Duo Security. How can they simultaneously protect their legacy systems while securing their future?
Technology, regulations and customer expectations all have evolved, but what does this mean for how organizations secure identities?
This evolution has proven to be a two-sided coin, particularly for financial institutions. It's not only allowing financial institutions to offer new, innovative products where...
Armed with stolen personal data, cybercriminals can easily bypass conventional identity authentication methods. So how can organizations strengthen authentication without harming customer experience? Shaked Vax of IBM Security shares insights.
The technology and operating models for identity and access management have evolved with time, but the way many enterprises approach IAM has not. How can security leaders modernize their IAM strategy in this era of unprecedented complexity?
Download this eBook on the path to modern IAM and learn exclusive insights...
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