The arrest of 10 men in Uttar Pradesh for allegedly cloning fingerprints of authorized Aadhaar enrollment officers is once again stirring debate over whether it's wise for India to rely so heavily on Aadhaar for authentication.
According to Javelin, in 2015 there were more than 1.5 million new account fraud victims who accounted for losses of $2.8 billion. This number increased by 40 percent in 2016. And with all the continued data breaches, there are no indications that this trend has slowed in 2017. The Equifax breach, which affected more...
Security practitioners in India need to have a better perception of threats and risks to build successful detection and defense strategies. That was one of the key lessons offered at ISMG's Fraud & Breach Prevention Summit in Bengaluru June 7.
DSCI is working with the FIDO Alliance in an effort to eliminate the use of passwords for authentication in India. But some security practitioners question whether that's a realistic approach that will prove effective. go
Voice biometrics: Is it good enough to protect people's bank accounts? Also, the ISMG Security Report goes to Belfast, Northern Ireland, for this year's OWASP AppSec Europe conference, including a visit to the Titanic museum - hopefully not a metaphor for the discipline.
RBI has mandated that all banks migrate to Aadhaar-based biometric authentication for electronic payment transactions by June 30. But some information security experts question whether the the technology can handle the potential volume of transactions.
As fraudsters continually refine their techniques to steal banking customers' credentials, IBM fights back with new tools that use behavioral biometrics and cognitive fraud detection. IBM's Brooke Satti Charles offers a preview.
A search warrant executed earlier this year gave authorities the power to force occupants of a Los Angeles-area house to unlock devices with their fingerprints, casting doubt on biometric defenses.
Banks need to develop customer authentication strategies that meet demand for strong security as well as convenience, says Mary Ann Miller of NICE Actimize, who describes emerging multifactor approaches in this video interview.
Implementing a successful cybersecurity strategy in light of advanced threats calls for operationalizing three key principles: visibility, identity and risk, says Zulfikar Ramzan, chief technology officer at RSA.
Warning to parents and guardians: Beware of collecting, storing or sharing your child's biometric information - including fingerprints and DNA - even if you're creating a so-called "Child ID Kit," because the data is a natural target for identity thieves.
A panel of experts debates the ineffectiveness of the public, private partnership model in evolving a plan to develop an ideal framework to tackle cyber threats. What is needed to build an effective model to respond to future threats?
Cambridge Savings Bank in Massachusetts is incorporating biometrics into its online and mobile banking platform as a way to limit, and in some cases remove, the need for username and password authentication. In this case study interview, two bank executives discuss what others can learn from the project.
To boost security and eliminate the need for passwords, MasterCard plans to later this year roll out a facial biometrics app for authentication of online purchases. But some experts warn that biometrics technology is not fool-proof and should only be deployed as part of a layered authentication approach.
In 2013, Apple introduced Touch ID, a biometric technology that brought convenient fingerprint recognition to a mass consumer
audience. Banks have gravitated to Touch ID
because it provides them with a device-based technology
they may leverage to secure the mobile banking platform, and,
in turn reduce their costs...
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